“Sing What You Mean/Mean What You Sing”
Monday, November 11 | 4 p.m. | BREWER’S ALLEY, 124 N. Market St,
Limted Spaces @ $25
Contact for reservations: Roderick Deacey roddc@xecu.net
Are your songs a little down in the mouth?
Is your performance a little lackluster?
Is your between-song banter in need of help?
You need to come and see the Song Doctor...

Amy Speace will be conducting her highly regarded workshop on songwriting and performance “Sing What You Mean/Mean What You Sing” at Brewer’s Alley in Frederick MD on November 11 at 4 pm. This interactive workshop is designed to improve all aspects of the singer-songwriter’s craft, and helps attendees develop both their songwriting and their presentation of the written song. Amy is known as a riveting performer of her own excellent songs, and is the “song doctor” for American Songwriter Magazine.
This workshop is presented by Brewer’s Alley Songwriters’ Showcase and precedes Amy Speace’s appearance as the featured songwriter in the Showcase held that evening. There are a limited number of places at the special price of $25. E-mail Roderick Deacey at roddc@xecu.net for reservations.