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Should you join SAW? Count the reasons!

People like you

SAW members are part of a dynamic community of almost 500 members, encompassing songwriters of all skill levels, lyricists, composers, musicians, recording technicians and music industry professionals.

Hone your craft

Excellent workshops and seminars featuring guest songwriters, musicians, producers, and other music industry professionals help its members hone and polish their songwriting and performance skills and learn about the business of songwriting. Critique sessions offer a friendly, supportive environment for peer feedback and the opportunity to gain valuable insight into how other songwriters approach their craft.

Real live audiences

SAW offers a range of performance opportunities, including showcases and open mikes at several locations in the Washington metro area. These are great places to gain performance experience, test new material, gain greater exposure, meet other songwriters, find collaborators, and/or just hang out and hear some good music!

SAW Membership Directory

SAW's Membership Directory, available online exclusively to members, can be a valuable tool. Along with your contact information, you can let others know what you do or what you are looking for (Examples include: I teach guitar; looking for collaborators, lyricist seeking melodies, etc).

Annual membership is only $35, and includes regular email announcements of all SAW news and activities and a customizable profile in the online member directory. Members also receive discounts on workshops and entries in the Mid-Atlantic Song Contest.

Songwriters' Association of Washington is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.


5810 Greenlawn Dr.
Bethesda, MD 20814

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