Ricardo is pictured here preparing a meal as a part of the SAW Serves program.
SAW members are saddened to hear of the untimely passing of Richard "Ricardo" White on Christmas day. Ricardo was a unique individual with a huge heart and a music all his own. As a SAW board member, he organized events feeding and entertaining hundreds of homeless through the SAW Serves program. Ricardo's family suggests that, in memoriam, people
donate to SAW in support of that program. Please include “SAW Serves, in memory of Ricardo” in the comment section.
There will be a memorial service for Ricardo on Wednesday, December 31st at 2:00pm at Bennett Funeral Home in Mechanicsville, VA. The address of the funeral home is 8014 Lee Davis Road, Mechanicsville, VA 23111.
The SAW board also hopes to organize a special "Tribute Concert" with food, music and photos at some point in January or February 2015. More information about this event forthcoming.
You may read Richard's obituary on the
Richmond Times Dispatch website here. There is an online guestbook where you may enter comments on the Times Dispatch obituary page about Richard and his life.