A few members have let us know that they were disappointed to hear that our newest open mic, Root Studio Open Mic on August 10, is a ticketed event. While this format differs from that of other SAW open mics, it is a viable and professional model that reflects the realities of running a live music event. The organizers of Root Studio open mic explain why they charge admission fees below:
- Tickets help fund the cost of producing the open mic and cover the stipend we pay featured performers. We provide food and drink probono (donations accepted but not required!)
- Most audience members are comprised of performers; performer ticket prices are reduced and include two complimentary tickets so that performers can bring a couple friends/family for free.
- Performers are live streamed by professional social media managers over FB and Instagram and benefit from our expanding reach on social media.
- Performers are also invited to be video interviewed by our social media team during intermission. The video can be downloaded for free for press kits or other self-promotion purposes.
- Our venue is an active and supportive listening audience with pro sound and lighting. A $10-$15 cover charge for admission is an amazing value for a night of food, drink, an attentive audience and musical fellowship.
Let us know what you think. Write to contact@saw.org with your opinion.